Do you feel cold air coming through your windows even when they are closed? If so, you may have drafty windows that are letting heat escape and increasing your energy bills. While the best way to fix drafty windows is to seal the air leaks and improve the insulation around them, you can also use some window treatments to control drafts and make your home more comfortable. Here are some tips on how to use curtains and blinds to block unwanted drafts.

How to Use Curtains and Blinds to Block Unwanted Drafts

Choose thermal curtains. Thermal curtains are specially designed to insulate your windows and prevent heat loss. They are made of several layers of fabric with insulating padding between them. They also have a tight weave and a reflective backing that helps reflect heat back into the room. Thermal curtains can reduce drafts by up to 25 percent1 and can also block out light and noise.

Hang curtains properly. To maximize the insulation effect of your curtains, you need to hang them correctly. Ideally, you should mount your curtains inside your window casings, as close to the windowpane as possible. This will minimize the air flow around the windows and create a barrier between the cold glass and the warm air. You should also make sure that your curtains cover the entire window casing and extend beyond it by at least 6 inches on each side. You can also use a cornice or a valance to cover the top of the window and prevent heat from escaping through convection.

Use blinds wisely. Blinds can also help reduce drafts, but they are not as effective as curtains because they have gaps between the slats that allow air to pass through. However, you can still use blinds to control drafts by choosing the right type and adjusting them properly. For example, cellular or honeycomb blinds are more insulating than regular blinds because they have air pockets that trap cold air near the windows. You can also use blinds with wider slats that can be tilted to block more air flow. You should close your blinds completely at night and open them partially during the day to let some sunlight in.

Layer up. Another way to use curtains and blinds to block unwanted drafts is to layer them up. You can combine different types of window treatments to create a more effective insulation system. For example, you can use sheer curtains under thermal curtains to add an extra layer of fabric and trap more air. You can also use blinds under curtains to give you more flexibility in adjusting the light and temperature in your room. Layering up can also make your windows look more stylish and cozy.

Maintain your window treatments. To keep your curtains and blinds in good shape and prevent them from losing their insulating properties, you need to maintain them regularly. You should dust and vacuum your window treatments at least once a month to remove dirt and dust that can reduce their effectiveness. You should also wash or dry-clean your curtains according to the manufacturer’s instructions, as some fabrics may shrink or fade if not cleaned properly. You should also replace your window treatments if they are damaged or worn out.

Using curtains and blinds to block unwanted drafts can help you save energy and money by reducing heat loss through your windows. However, this is only a temporary solution that does not address the root cause of drafty windows: air leaks and poor insulation. To fix drafty windows for good, you need to seal the gaps and cracks around your windows and improve the insulation in your walls and attic. This will not only make your home more comfortable, but also healthier and safer by preventing moisture problems, mold growth, and indoor air pollution.